3-Step Cleanse in Eden Prairie

Looking for more energy, stamina, mental clarity, allergy or digestive relief?
The above are just a few of the conditions Dr. Floro's 3 Step Cleanse at Floro Chiropractic in Eden Prairie can help as it addresses the most common underlying causes of chronic health challenges such as:
- Structural Problems
- Hidden Food Allergies
- Chronic Inflammation
- Toxic Overload
- Harmful Bacteria
- Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Leaky Gut
- Cell Malnourishment
- Joint Damage
The Benefits of the 3-Steps in Eden Prairie
- Step 1: Decreases inflammation to address acute or chronic inflammation, structural issues, hidden food allergies with a guide book on the inflammatory foods to avoid. This step last 7 days or more.
- Step 2: Metabolic cleansing to address toxic overload, harmful bacteria, heavy metal toxicity, leaky gut, inflammation, and cleansing and repairing the liver and gut. This step lasts 10 days.
- Step 3: Regeneration and repair addresses cell malnourishment and joint damage. This step lasts around 30 days or more.
Call us today at Floro Chiropractic (952) 934-7582 for more details or to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Olinda Floro.
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 2:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 2:00pm*
8:00am - 11:00am
Floro Chiropractic
9198 Staring Lane East
Eden Prairie, MN 55347