Have You Been Injured at Work in Eden Prairie?

the best chiropractic care for work injuries

When you suffer an injury on the job in Eden Prairie, it can be very scary, especially if it was a neck or back injury. Serious injuries could have a huge impact on your future income and long term health. At Floro Chiropractic, we offer many treatment options for those receiving workers compensation for the treatment.

Workers Compensation is the system put in place to ensure workers are treated if they have been injured on the job. You're likely familiar with it, but you may not be aware of how you can use chiropractic care to treat your job-related injury.


When you become injured or ill as a direct result of the job, you gain the benefit of workers compensation. This is a cash or medical care benefit known as a type of insurance. Your employer pays for the coverage and you're not required to contribute as an employee. If you're injured on the job, the workers compensation is responsible for paying your medical costs directly to the doctor.


If you've been injured on the job, you can use chiropractic care as a treatment option and receive workers compensation benefits. If you suffer from neck pain, back pain, headaches or any other type of pain due to a workplace accident, chiropractic care may be the right choice for you.

In the State of Minnesota, you'll be allowed up to 12 weeks of treatment covered by workers compensation. This may include adjunctive therapies and adjustments and you can be treated up to five times in the first two weeks and decreases after that.

After the first 12 weeks of treatment, you will be able to see a chiropractor for 12 additional visits over the next 12 months. If you condition is more extensive treatment may extend outside of the above guidelines but will likely require an attorney.


Many patients are worried their specific work injury won't qualify for workers compensation injury treatment. If the injury is a repetitive stress injury you feel as if you're growing weaker due to the stress of the job or you've suffered a lower back injury in an accident at work, you need to seek help immediately.

It's not a good idea to ignore the pay and filing for workers compensation is the best thing you can do, along with seeking treatment. If you put off getting help, it can become hard to prove you were injured at work.


Many work-related injuries can be prevented if they are known as repetitive stress injuries. Some of the ways you can prevent injury at work include:

  • Using Proper Lumbar Support - Make sure your back is supported correctly when seated to prevent lower back injuries.
  • Lift Properly with Your Legs - Whenever you lift anything heavy, use your legs, not your back. Bend with your legs to lift instead of at the waist.
  • Know Your Limitation - Serious injury happens very often when a worker doesn't know their limits. Don't try to lift things too heavy for you or perform tasks
    your body cannot handle.
  • Use a Standing Desk - If you sit all day at work, it can put stress on your body. A well set up standing desk can relieve the stress and help prevent back and neck injuries.
  • Regular Chiropractic Treatment - With regular chiropractic care, you can prevent injuries before they happen, especially repetitive stress injuries.

At Floro Chiropractic we offer chiropractic treatments to the spine and non - spinal joints. In addition we offer trigger point massage as well as other rehabilitative therapies such as ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation and intersegmental traction to compliment your chiropractic adjustments and speed your recovery.

We will also give you home instructions and specific exercises to get you to pre- accident status as quickly as possible. If scans such as MRI or X-ray are necessary we can order these type of tests or make any necessary referrals on your behalf. Let’s get you back to feeling better!


“A few months ago I had a back injury sustained at work. I was in really bad shape, the severe pain traveled from my lower back into my stomach.
Dr. Floro did a thorough exam and took the time to explain my condition. I left her office feeling better after just the first treatment.
With each visit at Dr. Floro's, I got better and better. My stomach pains began to disappear after several weeks. I'm appreciative of her expertise and kind treatment that I received from Dr. Floro and her staff.

After 90 days, my back is much stronger and virtually pain free. I feel like a new person.

I will be forever grateful for the treatment I received from Dr. Floro. I would highly recommend her to anybody who is in need of Chiropractic treatment.”


8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 2:00pm*

8:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 2:00pm*

8:00am - 11:00am


Floro Chiropractic

9198 Staring Lane East
Eden Prairie, MN 55347

(952) 934-7582
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